documenta13 – temporary home kassel
temporary home is a young, interdisciplinary arts and culture project which actively explores concepts of ‘home’ in its broader sense. Parallel to the upcoming documenta13, it poses the question in its 2012 edition, how do situations of crisis affect notions of home? During the six week project run, temporary home literally manifests as a real home for a collective of international creatives who will live and work together in a joint investigation, an occupancy we call the ‘lived-in installation’. After a public, two-week phase of shell construction, temporary home 2012 features a full month of diverse and non-for-profit cultural programming. The sum of activities in temporary home 2012 – home in crisis are: art exhibition, performances, music, theatre display, movie nights, discussions, and not least, the creation of a temporary real space for social interaction and experimentation. These can be interpreted as a lived dialogue between the two poles of home and crisis, dealing with the following guiding questions: How do internally experienced and projected situations of crisis influence concepts of home? When do crises lead to reactionary attitudes of people returning to traditional values and cemented or defensive ideas of home? When do crises lead to conventions of home being deconstructed or neglected? How have crises given impetus to innovative approaches in society? And what is it that pushes some into escapist tendencies, which may range from physical migration to utopian or hedonistic constellations?
„Melodie – die Kunst des anderen“ concepted and director by Daniel Daoudi was invited for the temporary home project.